
Salon at SIPROME-JEUNES: Where Innovation Meets Opportunity

Welcome to the heart of SIPROME-JEUNES, the bustling hub of innovation, inspiration, and connection. Our Salon is the epicenter of entrepreneurial exploration, where emerging talents, seasoned professionals, and industry leaders converge to shape the future of business

What to Expect at the Salon:

  1. Inspiring Workshops: Dive into a world of knowledge and creativity through our interactive workshops. Learn from experts who will guide you through the latest trends, strategies, and skills crucial for entrepreneurial success.
  2. Engaging Panel Discussions: Gain insights from thought leaders and visionaries in riveting panel discussions. Explore emerging business models, global market dynamics, and the art of effective leadership.
  3. Networking Opportunities: Connect with fellow entrepreneurs, mentors, and potential partners. Forge valuable relationships that can propel your ventures forward and open doors to new collaborations.
  4. Innovation Showcase: Immerse yourself in a showcase of cutting-edge innovations, revolutionary products, and groundbreaking concepts presented by ingenious young minds.
  5. Entrepreneurial Resources: Discover a wealth of resources, from funding opportunities to mentorship programs, designed to empower and support your entrepreneurial journey.

Join US at the salon:

Don't miss your chance to be a part of this dynamic experience. The SIPROME-JEUNES Salon is where ideas collide, ambitions flourish, and innovation takes center stage. Secure your spot today and embark on a journey that will inspire, educate, and elevate your entrepreneurial spirit.


The third edition of the International Youth Business Promotion Exhibition is taking place in a context marked by the President of the Republic, His Excellency Paul Biya's, desire to strengthen our country's economic leadership in the sub-region and subsequently equip it to conquer the continent and the world. 

This determination is manifested through the continuous reforms of our economic system and our nation's engagement in all sub-regional and continental platforms for thought aimed at the development of the regional economic fabric. The most recent of these was the fifteenth ordinary summit of the Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (CEMAC) hosted by our country in March 2023. During this summit, the Heads of State of the sub-region once again highlighted one of the key instruments binding African states on the economic level: the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). The choice of the theme for SIPROME 2023 is thus justified by the challenge of equipping young enterprises to face the competitive demands of the global market and to seize the opportunities offered by the AfCFTA
